7 Reasons Why Going To University Was The Best Decision Of My Life (And My Be Yours Too)

I can’t speak for everyone, and I certainly can’t tell you what your university experience will be like, because everyone will experience it differently, but I can tell you what me and my friends have found, and hope this helps. Here is a list of 7 definitive things about university which told me that I had made the right decision in going.    I am still currently between my first and second year, so I can’t tell you about its advantages employment-wise (although that is of course a massive factor why most people go), but here’s what I found in my freshers year.


It puts things into perspective

The worries which plagued my mind at home, once taken out of the small town which I live during university holidays, became insignificant. The friendship quarrels, and relationships when greeted into a brand new world of people and experiences seemed simply to become irrelevant.


Nothing else can compare to University

At no other time in your life, will you find yourself in a place where everyone is in the exact same boat as you. You will find people who think the same as you, and it will be so refreshing. It makes for so much fun, because everyone you meet will be going through similar things, and are so relatable to. Don’t worry about making friends at the beginning, guaranteed you’ll find your cup of tea, I did.


You will learn so much, probably not about archaeology, but about yourself

You pick a course, and go to university to learn about it. It sounds cheesy but I have learnt acres more about myself and who I am, than my course (archaeology). University is the time to find yourself. You won’t understand at all what I am talking about until you have experienced it, but enjoy it, it’s amazing!


You will meet a variety of people

At home, your friendship group probably consists of people from your town, school, class ect. They are thus, probably very similar. University attracts people from all over the country and the world, from a variety of different backgrounds. Within weeks, you’ll have learnt so much about UK geography from all the people you meet, and have met a vast array of international students from around the world, you probably would not have found without university.


You will make up your mind about things

Up until university, I was an awkward teenager with a very vague idea about what I wanted to do, and absolutely no clue about where I stood on my opinions. Now, after a year of drunken debates, and talks with many many people, I am opinionated and strong in my mind about what I believe. I think staying in the same town would have left me still shy about my beliefs.


You will have some amazing nights out

Before university, I had only been clubbing a handful of times, now, looking back at my first year, most of the most memorable times have occurred whilst intoxicated. Going out is a great way to bond too. Friendships are sealed by shared toilet cubicles and the holding back of hair whilst your new ‘best friend’ from that night spills her dinner onto the pavement.


You will leave first year different than what you started

I have changed so much now, from when I first started university. I am more confident and opinionated, and I like my new self a lot more than my old. It’s a life changing experience, that’s for sure, which happened at the perfect moment in my life.

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